Meet Claudia Rickard
You’re welcome here.
I can facilitate your ability to help yourself. This is very empowering for YOU, as a client. It leads to greater confidence, more motivation and a feeling of peace and contentment as you regain control of your life.
Claudia uses NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and hypnotism as her main techniques to empower people to help themselves. It has been scientifically proven that hypnotism can help with a wide range of disorders including memory loss.
Certified Hypnotist. Claudia has been certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (CHT 119-018), belongs to the National Guild of Hypnotists, and is a Union member (AFL-CIO, CLC).
Master NLP Practitioner. Claudia is registered with the NFNLP (The National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming).
Nightingale Memory Consultant. Claudia earned her Nightingale Diploma of Hypnosis and Brain Health Coaching in Dementia, and practices as a memory consultant in the state of North Carolina, helping to improve the quality of life for people living with memory issues and their family and caregivers. Tap to learn more.
Advanced BLAST Technique® Practitioner. BLAST (Bi Lateral Analysis & Stimulation) Technique® was created by Nick Davies in the UK (Blast-technique.com). Claudia uses this technique within the guidelines of North Carolina, helping people with significant emotional events.
Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner. She helps clients find balance with this innovative energy technique that has been shown to help release the energetic impact of stressful life events. Claudia uses these techniques within the guidelines of North Carolina.
As an alternative healing arts practitioner, she specializes in using innovative energy-based techniques to help her clients experience a sense of well-being, and feel more positive, balanced and peaceful.
Here’s one of my favorite affirmations, and the one I encourage everyone to repeat each day…
“Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better..”
— Emile Coue
Contact me.
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