Improve Team Culture
and more… with the Team Training
The overview:
Happier You for Teams
For those who want to improve team culture, strengthen their workplace, and accelerate performance, The Happier You Course for Teams is a perfect first step.
This single, highly-focused training, in-person or via Zoom, will help staff and leaders at all levels to:
function at work with more clarity, focus and confidence,
boost productivity, creativity, and team work,
feel more balance and harmony in the workplace,
avoid distracting and destructive drama!
In the 1/2-day session, I will open your team’s eyes to unconscious drivers and behavior patterns that are draining their productivity, slowing success, clouding relationships and blunting happiness…
AND ensure they have the strategies and tools to thrive.
Contact me to learn more and schedule your session.
Why this course?
Success starts from within
Today’s business and team leaders, as well as human resources experts, all know that the KEY to employee attraction, harmony, retention, productivity, and performance…
starts with CULTURE.
Culture is that hard-to-pin down, yet easy to feel, atmosphere where people work and interact. It shows up in how people behave and how they engage with their work.
Your organization’s culture is grounded in people’s expectations, assumptions, and ability to trust. These, in turn, are shaped by each person’s unconscious patterns and emotional drivers.
Unless people can spot what’s going on, and make conscious choices, they’ll keep returning to their old, often unhelpful, patterns.
The lessons I teach in the Happier You Course for Teams help inspire powerful breakthroughs that make it possible to grow the healthy culture you want.

How Healthy is Your Team Culture?
A Healthy Team
Open communication leads to better work, problem-solving, and creativity.
Staff and leaders demonstrate high levels of individual focus, engagement, and a desire to collaborate.
People have (and show) empathy and mutual respect in day-to-day management and interactions.
Feedback or disagreements typically end in constructive actions and understanding.
Individuals understand the impact of their behaviors, and value making choices that support the team’s goals and culture.
An Unhealthy Team
DRAMA shows up as outbursts; subtle verbal jabs, territorial behavior, or everyone walking on eggshells.
RISK AVERSION in individuals or a group limit innovation, growth, communication and/or teamwork.
DEFENSIVENESS in receiving criticism—even if delivered constructively.
LOST TIME OR PRODUCTIVITY due to overthinking, unnecessary fears, incorrect assumptions, or unwillingness to share with clarity and honesty;
FEAR, SHAME, or INTIMIDATION are used to attempt to control staff or peers.
How Does the Team Training work?
In this highly-focused live course, your team members will learn:
how their brain processes experiences, including their own unique set of circumstances;
how their natural responses drive patterns of thought and behavior;
how others are influenced by their own emotional issues.
Each participant also receives:
a wide range of proven tools and strategies for re-grooving their behaviors and responses.
And rest assured, NO private information needs to be revealed at any point during the training.
What do Team Leaders say?
Here’s an example of what one recent leader shared:
“I arranged for Claudia to support my team of a dozen employees. I have witnessed significant improvements in both attendance (a major issue in our industry), and also performance. So much so that our client satisfaction levels have almost doubled in the 3 months we have used Claudia's service. The team members are clearly happier with their work and their lives outside work. They bring that spirit to work and the results shine through to the service they provide.
This is a game changer as a service, especially for employers in the service industries where hiring is an issue.”
What results can you expect?
Your results will depend on your starting point, and on the spoken and unspoken goals you and your team have.
At the very least you can expect:
Increased ability to function at work with clarity, focus and confidence,
More balance and harmony in the workplace,
Higher levels of productivity, creativity, and team work,
Less disharmony, mayhem, and time wasted on distracting and destructive drama.
A safe, non-threatening, effective approach.
A challenge with any culture-building initiative is addressing people’s ingrained patterns in ways that don’t cause them either to retreat into their shells, or lash out defensively.
That’s why this course teaches your team how to understand human behavior, and does so in a way that is safe, non-threatening, and private.
Once people understand, and learn the strategies and tools for healthier response, any future culture-building initiatives are far more likely to “take.”
It may be the most effective 3 hours your team will ever invest.
So don’t wait: give your team the tools to thrive, today!