Techniques Claudia Uses
Hypnosis & More
Hypnotism is being in an altered state of mind. We naturally go into hypnosis when we daydream or watch television without distraction. We shut off our disbelief and use our imaginations.
There are varying degrees of hypnosis: some people go deeply and some go lightly, most people are right in the middle. While in hypnosis one maintains control and awareness. Hypnotists are hypnotic guides who simply guide the client into the state called hypnosis and teaches the client techniques that will allow the client to use his or her natural ability to change the way he or she feels or behaves.
Havening Techniques®, otherwise known as Delta Wave Techniques, is a psychosensory procedure that uses simple touch to permanently eliminate unwanted feelings, both somatic and emotional, from distressing memories and events.
In addition, these techniques are useful for promoting professional and personal growth. The method is derived from consistent with current neuroscience literature.
Havening Techniques® are easy to learn, can be self-applied, is rapid, gentle and essentially without side effects.
NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming)
NeuroLinguistic Programming is an attitude with a trail of techniques and strategies.
NLP is a unique model of how people learn, motivate themselves and change their behavior to achieve excellence in any endeavor.
Find out more from the source:
The BLAST® Technique
The BLAST Technique® is an effective and efficient technique for significant emotional events. I am one of the few Advanced Certified Practitioners in the United States.
Find out more from the source:
SleepTalk® for Children
A 100% safe, medication-free, non-intrusive approach to helping parents provide their children with the inner resources to overcome a range of childhood challenges, from anxieties and fears, to problematic behaviors and habits, to developing confidence and embracing developmental and behavioral skills.
for help with a wide range of issues…
Situational Stress
Sleep Improvement
Communication Problems
Sports Performance Enhancement
Past Life Regression
Weight Management
Smoking Cessation
Broken Heart
Memory Performance
Wellness in Your Life
Significant Emotional Events
Fears or Apprehensions
Pain Management
Break FREE from Weight Struggles and Embrace Your Ideal Size
Discover a mindset shift to achieve your desired body shape and lasting transformation
Alternative Health Practitioner website disclaimer: All information is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. Please note that the testimonials do not guarantee, warranty or predict the outcome of an individual using a healing method for any particular issue.
I accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on the website, including links to other resources. By continuing to explore this website, you represent you have read, understand and agree to the disclaimer.
Claudia Rickard is a certified practitioner(s) of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org